SEND 0-25 Early Intervention Process

SEND 0-25 Early Intervention Process

SENDSARS Ltd have developed an Early Intervention Process which captures those disputes that proceed straight to First Tier Tribunal. Our process has assisted in avoiding hearings in 70% of cases. 

The Team at SENDSARS Ltd have brought together their skills, knowledge and experience to develop a strategy that specifically supports Local Authorities, parents, carers and young people who are pursuing more formal routes of appeal.

The fundamentals of our process are blended with the high calibre of our Team's alternative dispute resolution skills, knowledge and experience.

It provides an opportunity to clarify, narrow down and resolve areas of disagreement, and avoid the cost, stress, inconvenience and time associated with First Tier Tribunal appeals and hearings.

Our Early Intervention Process is exclusive to SENDSARS Ltd, and does not affect First Tier Tribunal appeal rights in anyway.
Early Intervention Process recent outcomes:

Case Study 1:
Client in Year 1- Early Intervention Process not in place- 42 First Tier Tribunal hearings.
Client in Year 2- Early Intervention Process implemented- 4 First Tier Tribunal hearing.

Case Study 2:
SENDSARS Ltd implemented Early Intervention Process on 210 cases which chose to pursue First Tier Tribunal appeals in the first instance.
Our Early Intervention Process assisted in ensuring 70% of those cases avoided First Tier Tribunal hearings, with 53% resolved before appellants lodged their appeal paperwork.

Case Study 3:
100% positive feedback, and recommendation of the Early Intervention Process by service users.
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