SEND 0-25 Training

SEND 0-25 Training

SEND Code of
Practice 0-25-
'What you need to know' 

full day course

SENDSARS Ltd 'SEND Code of Practice 0-25' training covers the key principles of the statutory guidance and the duties of Local Authorities, education, health and others to identify, assess and meet the needs of children and young people in education and transitioning to adulthood.

The outcome of the course is to cover the critical aspects of the code and associated legislation and offer access to some of the most experienced SEND professionals for Q&A opportunities.

Our tutors will discuss key threads of information, and ensure participants involvement, by having the opportunity to learn, explore, challenge and discuss the most common experiences you encounter daily.

Our course is designed around critical aspects of law, coupled with comprehensive Q&A discussion and tailoring the day to meet the specific concerns and needs of the attendees on the day. The fundamental foundation of the course is 'What you need to know' with opportunities for answering 'What you want to know'.

Requesting a Statutory Assessment of Need- 'Best practice' 

half day course

After successfully supporting Local Authority Children's Services, schools and colleges across the UK; SENDSARS Ltd have designed a half day course to address common issues with EHC assessment requests.

The outcome of the course is to reduce the time required by SENDCo’s, teachers and Local Authority in getting the right support in place for children and young people, highlighting the importance of evidence in non-statutory support plans, improving the quality of EHC assessment requests and exploring popular strategies to 'back check' the request prior to submission.

The course content identifies successful ways to demonstrate the graduated approach and how best to record 'plan, do, review' cycles and the impact of provision.

The legal criteria and framework of an EHC assessment request is identified and considered, so the information captured in your requests are legally relevant and matched to the Local Authority moderating panels criteria of  considerations.

Effective Participation
in SEND Mediation-
'An LA Approach'

half day course

SENDSARS Ltd specialty is navigating the legal framework of SEND 0-25, with expert level experience and knowledge and reducing the disruption (time, cost, inconvenience, stress) of disagreements.

With a common theme of avoiding FTT and the early resolution of disagreements, SENDSARS Ltd has developed a Mediation Workshop designed for the LA to get the most out of the mediation process, avoid an escalation in disagreements and achieving the right outcomes for children and young people you serve.

Our workshop covers the relevant legal framework mediation sits within, the relevant legal considerations for each appealable decision and explains proven strategies to early resolution without escalation.

We offer a half day course, that considers all aspects of mediation, how the mediation provider should prepare service users and how best the LA should prepare and approach the process, in the best interests of all participants.
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